Get money and love flowing

Create your Masterpiece

Do you need more love, money or health to flow?

If so, you may want to join us for this Solstice Special. 

I will show you how to transmute your greatest karmic wound into the seed of your Masterpiece...

by surrendering to Mother Nature and listening to the wisdom of your body.

Almost 20 years ago, I moved to The Alps.

At the time, I thought I was coming to ski.

A year later, I started painting again.

When I was 16, my father told me I wasn't good enough to make enough money as a professional artist.

So, I stopped.

And suppressed the artist inside me for 14 years.

It was the most painful time of my life.

I had eating and drinking problems.

I even lost my first job, because 'I wasn't creative enough'.

After I started painting again, it still took me another 5 years to unleash the artist inside me.

And another 5 to teach others how to do it.

Since then, I have taught myself how to surrender to Mother Nature.

Here's a summary of what I learned:

When we stop resisting the storm outside, it stops resisting us and starts to partner with us.

Exactly the same thing happens with our emotions and our relationships.

When we stop resisting them, they stop resisting us. 

We embrace them and they embrace us.

We surrender to Mother Nature and she partners with us.

We realize the painting doesn't stop at the edge of the canvas.

The entire universe is a blank canvas on which we are creating all the time.

What are you creating on it?

Is it a Masterpiece?

A sketch?

A scribble?

Or a complete mess?

You will know it's a Masterpiece, because you won't face any resistance.

'Easy is right.' Chuang Tzu

'The entire universe conspires to help you.' Paulo Coehlo

Alternatively money, love or health stops flowing.

Deep down, you will be forcing something.

We can help you embrace any resistance and hear what your Masterpiece is.

Your vocation.

Your calling in life.

It's always the antidote to your core wound.

And then, we can help you bring it to life...

By embracing the other shadows in your world.

So, money flows with love.

And your body vibrates with vitality.

If this speaks to you, join us for this Special Solstice session, coming from the caldera above Santorini.

As Mother Earth pivots back the other way, each of us is facing big changes in our lives.

These changes are the pressure we need to hear the real reason we are here in this lifetime.

And what is stopping us from bringing it to life.

I look forward to seeing you online. 

It may just change your life.

You can register to join us now.

When is it happening?

Surrender for the Summer Solstice
6pm CET | 5pm UTC | 12 pm EST | 20 June

How we move from Spring to Summer by changing our relationship to money.

This session is our gift to the world

Register Now

Who should join us?

#Masterpiece isn’t for everyone - we will challenge you to become who you are. Between us, we have created Masterpieces that have influenced billions of people. Only consider joining us if you are committed to stepping out of your comfort zone and want to see real change in your world.

"If you're thinking of taking #Masterpiece... and you're not feeling fearful of it, you're in the wrong place..."

Peter Koenig

The Money Guru, Source and Principal at Peter Koenig Enterprises

Discover what participants say about #Masterpiece

"It's ok to be me... and allow my inner wisdom, my Inner to lead my skills and capabilities"

Dr. Sarah Paterson

Embracing Loss Coach

"Don't write a book unless you have to... but I have to. It was not possible not to do it."

Susanne Danig

Author, mentor and coach

Extreme artist, bestselling author, Source of Masterpiece Creation

Alexander Inchbald

Alexander helps Changemakers change their world by bringing the Masterpiece they were born to create to life. Over the last few years, he has helped thousands of leaders articulate their Purpose and create their Masterpiece. He inspires with his vision and original thinking.

Copyright © 2023 Alexander Inchbald. All Rights Reserved


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